Student Rules & Regulations

Please remember these guidelines are to ensure the safety of students, maintain a clean environment, and help the studio function in an efficient manner. Above all, it will provide students with an unparalleled dancing education!

Fees & Costing:

  1. After corresponding with the Studio via email and registering, students are responsible for all payments of their accounts. Students must acquaint themselves with the Terms and Conditions and General Rules prior to the student attending their first class.
  2. A registration fee will be required for all new students, and a re-registration fee will be required every year for returning students, which is subject to a yearly increase at Management’s discretion.
  3. In the event where the class fees are not paid on time, an email/statement will be sent as a reminder to pay the invoiced bill. Should the person responsible for paying the bill still not settle the account after the email, the student will no longer be allowed to attend class and the account holder will be held responsible for the outstanding fees. A penalty fee will also be charged. Prices are subject to change as per the industry standard adjustments.
  4. All payments should be made by card, in cash, or by means of direct deposit. Bank Account Details are Five6seven8 Dance Studio | FNB Business Cheque Account – 62456579568 | Branch Code – 250655 | Ref Inv number or Student Name. NO cheques will be accepted.
  5. Five6seven8 class fees are strictly payable in advance – you will need to pay before a class is conducted. If you do not abide by this, classes will be cancelled and you will still be liable for outstanding class fees.
  6. There will be no refunds for any classes or packages bought. Which includes terminating wedding agreements. The termination reason will be placed under review by Studio Management.
  7. All monthly fees must be paid in advance by the 1st of each month.
  8. We reserve the right to refuse to teach the lesson should the account be in arrear
  9. Accounts more than two months late will be handed over for collection.


  1. Five6seven8 Dance Studio does not accept responsibility, direct or indirect, and will not be held liable for and not limited to any accident or death, injuries, illness, damage and/or losses suffered by you and/or the student during dance lessons, rehearsals, performances, functions, outings and tours and you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Five6seven8 Dance Studios and its employees and/or staff in the event of any such occurrences. We do not accept liability for any injuries, losses, or damage however caused whilst on the Studio property or arising during lessons being taught by student teachers and teachers of Five6seven8 Dance Studio, this includes guest teachers.
  2. Five6seven8 will not be responsible for students outside of class times. We highly encourage parents or guardians to walk their children in and out of the studio.  No children should leave the studio without a parent or guardian. Students should not wait outside! We are very sensitive to our student’s safety however, we are not responsible for students before or after their class. Five6seven8 will not be held responsible for your child/children while waiting before or after class. We are not an after-care center, please fetch as soon as possible after classes. Use of the waiting area is at your own risk.
  3. No verbal undertakings by any person employed by the Studio will be binding on the Studio unless done in writing to Management.


  1. Under no circumstances may lesson changes be discussed with your teacher. If a lesson change is discussed with the teacher and not with any of the Studio admin staff, Five6seven8 will not take responsibility for the lesson change not being effective. Please only discuss with the admin staff – they will inform the teacher of the changes.
  2. There is to be no teacher-student fraternisation, this encompasses relationships that go beyond the normal scope of teacher-student interactions. 
  3. It is the students’ responsibility to save the studio cellphone number – 0848429295. This ensures they receive all studio communication via Whatsapp, all last-minute class details are used via this medium.
  4. Any videos that are shared on WhatsApp are purely for practice purposes. They are not to be shared on any social media platform. This is infringing on the rights of the people in the video and the teacher’s choreography.

Lesson Policy:

  1. Private Lessons are to be cancelled 24 hours in advance.  If the lesson is not cancelled within this time frame it will be forfeited and not rescheduled. Unforeseen circumstances such as family and personal emergencies are exempt from this rule, after undergoing a review from Studio Management.
  2. NO spectators ARE ALLOWED TO SIT IN AT ANY OF THE CLASSES. The rule is there to minimise lesson disruptions and allows the students to focus on their class.
  3. It is compulsory that you check-in by reception for every class you attend. 
  4. Packages will only be placed on hold if a serious injury has occurred and accompanied by a doctor or physiotherapist letter.
  5. Schedules and operating times could change due to attendance and teacher schedules, etc. Notice will be given via email or WhatsApp groups. The Studio reserves the right to provide a substitute instructor at any time. 
  6. Private Lessons work as follows:
    • Catch ups must be done within a month after the cancelled class.
    • Catch-up classes cannot be deducted from next month’s payment.
  7. Late coming is not permitted for dance class, no one will be allowed into class 10 minutes into the lesson.
  8. No refund will be given for classes missed.
  9. No classes will be held on public holidays or Sundays – applicable to all dance lessons.
  10. Five6seven8 Dance Studio agrees to give the course of dance instruction in accordance with Five6seven8 Dance Studio’s method of instruction. Which will be affiliated to the applicable dance style bodies.
  11. Students must please vacate the dance floor as soon as classes end, to accommodate the next class.
  12. Correct dance attire must be worn for each lesson.

Compliments, Complaints & Questions:

We continue to strive for excellent customer service. Five6seven8 would love to hear back from you about how you found your lessons at our studio. If you are unhappy with any services offered by Five6seven8 Dance Studio bring this to the immediate attention of Management directly.

Five6seven8 resolves the right to add or change any rule at any time without prior notice. However, we will endeavour to inform the students of any such additions/amendments in a timely manner.